Mary Ann MORGAN (General)
Hi I am looking for any info on my great grandmother and her family She was born about 1859 in Aberystwth Cardiganshire Wales Her parents were John Jones a carpenter and Mary Evans I am wondering if her parents came from this area I can't find anything about them Mary Ann Morgan came to Australia in the late 1800's and married William Jones a mariner (also from Amlwch Anglesey Wales )in 1889 I have their marriage certificate which lists her as a nurse
Does anyone have any info or can point me in the right direction ?
I have had much success with my father's side and have found a couple of rellies researching so I hope I'm lucky this time!!
thanks Jan Australia
There are a lot of marriages with this combination of names aren't there?
If Mary Ann was their first born, this is a possibility (from FreeBMD)
Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Marriages Dec 1858 (>99%)
EVANS Mary Aberystwyth 11b 142
James John Aberystwyth 11b 142
JONES John Aberystwyth 11b 142
Watkins Mary Aberystwyth 11b 142
How did Mary Ann Jones get to be Mary Ann Morgan before she arrived in Australia? You do not mention an earlier marriage. There are a frightening 24 marriages in Aberystwyth for a Mary Ann Jones between 1875-1889!
Hi Chris
I am a confused old twit!!!
I should have written Mary Ann's father as John MORGAN
I get mixed up with her husband's parents who were also Mary and John (Williams and Jones)
Hope I have not wasted too much of your time As you can see I need all the help I can get!!!!
I don't know if there were any other children but this is one of the things I'd like to find out
Hope to hear more from you
Thanks Jan
Please Keep to Forest of Dean People and Places
Keep to Forest of Dean People and Places
Only post messages relating to people and places connected in some way to the Forest of Dean or near by bordering places. Like the name of this Web site indicates, we specialise in the area of the Forest of Dean.
If you find some Forest of Dean connections to the original enquiy of this thread by all means post it.
However, I suggest you seek information on a discussion board covering the area of Aberystwth where people with local knowledge of the area and available records will be able to assist you.
Have you tried a posting on, there is a Welsh board with members local to the area you are searching.
Please Keep to Forest of Dean People and Places
Sorry I only got on this site because I was advised to by one of your members who thought it might help
thanks for this info I will give it a go
Please Keep to Forest of Dean People and Places
No harm as been done, I wish you well with your research.