ATHAWAY Family (General)

by chivenor2002, Thursday, March 13, 2008, 11:57 (6197 days ago)

My GG Grandmother was Susannah Athaway,she was born in Sicily abt 1810,Probably a Soldiers daughter.Susannah married Thomas Symonds who was born 1807 in Redmarley Dabitot Worcestershire.I do not know the exact place in Sicily where Susannah was born,So how do I find the rest of her family?Thomas and Susannah lived in Newent Gloucester.

The National Archives

by ChrisW @, Thursday, March 13, 2008, 12:25 (6197 days ago) @ chivenor2002

Births, Marriages and Deaths - Abroad:

What records are available?

Civil registers Indexes for English and Welsh births, marriages and deaths abroad are available at the Family Records Centre and at The National Archives. They include Armed Services registers of births, marriages and deaths overseas.

Susannah SYMONDS died 1898

by ChrisW @, Thursday, March 13, 2008, 12:32 (6197 days ago) @ chivenor2002

Looks like she was older than you thought!

Deaths Dec 1898

Susannah Symonds age 94 Newent Vol 6a Page 155

Look on the bright side - according to FreeBMD Athaway is a very rare name.

20 births recorded between 1845 and 1910
3 marriages
6 deaths

I wonder if it used to be Hathaway?

I cannot find a marriage, or baptism of any children, on the FOD parish records so I would imagine they married in Worcestershire?

You could try The Birmingham & Midland Society for Genealogy & Heraldry (They have a Worcestershire Branch on their site)

Or Familia:Worcestershire County Council

You might get more information if you can find their marriage in parish records
e.g. father's name & occupation.

FreeBMD list two births of Athaway's at Dudley & West Bromwich in 1845.

Good Luck

Susannah SYMONDS (nee HATHAWAY) 1808 ish-1898 Sicily

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, March 13, 2008, 21:27 (6197 days ago) @ chivenor2002

21st October 1805 - Battle of Trafalgar, Nelson's victory over the French-Spanish fleet ended for good Napoleon's hopes of dominating Britain on the high seas, and was a turning point of the War. The threat of invasion over, Britain now began her fight to rid Europe of the French.

4th July 1806 - With British troops stationed in Sicily to prevent the French from invading, a daring attack was launched on MAIDA on the Italian mainland and for the first time since the revolution an army stood their ground and forced the French to flee. Although later to retreat to Sicily, this battle showed that the French were not invincible.

1806-1815 Sicily under British Administration
1812 Lord Bentinck (commander of British forces) forces introduction of a two-chamber parliament based on British model. Abolition of feudal privileges. Increase in Malvasia wine production to supply Nelson's fleet, based in Messina.
1815 Napoleon is defeated and the British abandon Sicily to the Bourbons.

Thomas Simmonds abt 1811 Worcestershire, England Dabitot Redmarley, Worcestershire
Susanna Simmonds abt 1811 Dabitot Redmarley, Worcestershire
John Simmonds abt 1829 Worcestershire, England Dabitot Redmarley, Worcestershire
Frances Simmonds abt 1839 Worcestershire, England Dabitot Redmarley, Worcestershire
Harriot Simmonds abt 1837 Worcestershire, England Dabitot Redmarley, Worcestershire
N K abt 1841 Worcestershire, England Dabitot Redmarley, Worcestershire

Year: 1849
Month: Jan
Day: 19
Parents Surname: SIMONS[sic]
Child Forenames: Emily
Father's Forenames: Thomas
Mother's Forenames: Susanna
Mother's Surname:
Place of Residence: The Love[?] House Newent
Occupation: Labourer
Officiating Minister: G. W Jones
Event type: Baptism
Register Reference: P225 IN 1/6
Page No: 51
Parish_Chapel: Newent

Thomas Lymonds abt 1806 Redmarly, Worcestershire, England Head Newent, Gloucestershire
Arohn Lymonds abt 1845 Corse, Worcestershire, England Daughter Newent, Gloucestershire
Eliza Lymonds abt 1843 Corse, Worcestershire, England Daughter Newent, Gloucestershire
Emily Lymonds abt 1849 Newent, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Newent, Gloucestershire
William Lymonds abt 1847 Harpbury, Gloucestershire, England Son Newent, Gloucestershire

Thomas Symonds abt 1808 Redmarley D'Abitot, Worcestershire, England Head Newent, Gloucestershire
Susan Symonds abt 1810 Tinly, Italy Wife Newent, Gloucestershire
Edward W Symonds abt 1847 Corre, Gloucestershire, England Son Newent, Gloucestershire
Emily Symonds abt 1849 Pauntley, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Newent, Gloucestershire

1871 Gorsley
Thomas Symonds abt 1805 Redmarley, Worcestershire, England Head Newent, Gloucestershire
Susan Symonds abt 1818 Sicily Wife Newent, Gloucestershire

Thomas Symonds abt 1803 Redmarley, Worcestershire, England Head Newent, Gloucestershire
Susannah Symonds abt 1808 British Sub, France Wife Newent, Gloucestershire

Susan Simmons abt 1805 Sicily Mother Newent, Gloucestershire

Name: Susannah Symonds
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1804
Year of Registration: 1898
Quarter of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec
Age at Death: 94
District: Newent
County: Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire
Volume: 6a
Page: 155

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Susanna HATHAWAY Marriage 1828

by shepway @, Thursday, March 13, 2008, 21:51 (6197 days ago) @ ChrisW

From GFHS Marriage Index:
11 December 1828 Thomas SYMONDS married Susanna HATHAWAY by Banns at Dymock.

1841 Census:
Frances Simmonds abt 1839 Worcestershire, England Dabitot Redmarley, Worcestershire
Harriot Simmonds abt 1837 Worcestershire, England Dabitot Redmarley, Worcestershire
John Simmonds abt 1829 Worcestershire, England Dabitot Redmarley, Worcestershire
Susanna Simmonds abt 1811 Dabitot Redmarley, Worcestershire
Thomas Simmonds abt 1811 Worcestershire, England Dabitot Redmarley, Worcestershire
N K abt 1841 Worcestershire, England Dabitot Redmarley, Worcestershire

1851 Census GFHS transcript:
Piece Folio SchNo Town Surname Forename Relatn Marr Age Occupation County Place
1960 0120 059 Golden Valley SYMONDS Thomas HD M 45 Ag Lab WOR Redmarley
1960 0120 059 Golden Valley SYMONDS Eliza DA - 8 - WOR Corse
1960 0120 059 Golden Valley SYMONDS Caroline DA - 6 - WOR Corse
1960 0120 059 Golden Valley SYMONDS William SO - 4 - GLS Harpbury [Hartpury]
1960 0120 059 Golden Valley SYMONDS Emily DA - 2 - GLS Newent

1861 Census:
Edward W Symonds bt 1847 Corse, Gloucestershire, England Son Newent, Gloucestershire
Emily Symonds abt 1849 Pauntley, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Newent, Gloucestershire
Susan Symonds abt 1810 Sicily, Italy Wife Newent, Gloucestershire
Thomas Symonds abt 1808 Redmarley D'Abitot, Worcestershire, England Head Newent, Gloucestershire

1871 Census
Susan Symonds abt 1818 Sicily Wife Newent, Gloucestershire
Thomas Symonds abt 1805 Redmarley, Worcestershire, England Head Newent, Gloucestershire

1881 Census:
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Age Birthplace Occupation
Thomas SYMONDS Head M Male 78 Redmarley, Worcester, England Ag Laborer
Susannah SYMONDS Wife M Female 73 British Sub, France
Lewis GOODE Grandson U Male 2 Newent, Gloucester, England

Source Information:
Dwelling Mount Pleasant
Census Place Newent, Gloucester, England
Family History Library Film 1341610
Public Records Office Reference RG11
Piece / Folio 2526 / 75
Page Number 3

Deaths Dec 1886
SYMONDS Thomas 80 Gloucester 6a 200


Thomas SYMONDS Marriage 1828 Dymock

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Friday, March 14, 2008, 00:40 (6197 days ago) @ shepway

Year: 1828
Month: Dec
Day: 11

Groom Surname: SYMONDS [?]
Groom Forenames: Thomas
Groom Age at Marriage:
Groom condition: Bachelor
Groom Rank or Profession:
Groom Residence: Dymock
Groom Father's Surname:
Groom Father's Forenames:
Groom Father's Rank or Profession:

Bride Surname: HARTLAND
Bride Forenames: Susanna
Bride Age at Marriage:
Bride Condition: Spinster
Bride Rank or Profession:
Bride Residence: Dymock
Bride Father's Surname:
Bride Father's Forenames:
Bride Father's Rank or Profession:

Licence or Banns: Banns
Date of banns:
Signature or Mark: Both mark
Witness 1: [illegible] Griffiths
Witness 2: [illegible] Elliott
Other witnesses:
Officiating Minister: J Simons
Event type: Marriage
Transcriber's Notes:
Register Reference: P125 IN 1/13
Page No: 40
Parish_Chapel: Dymock

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Susannah who?

by ChrisW @, Friday, March 14, 2008, 01:53 (6196 days ago) @ slowhands

So was Susannah an Athaway or a Hartland or a Hathaway??

Susannah who?

by shepway @, Friday, March 14, 2008, 04:25 (6196 days ago) @ ChrisW


This is a case for checking the original and I have raised a ticket


Susannah who?

by ChrisW @, Friday, March 14, 2008, 04:41 (6196 days ago) @ shepway

Thanks Mike.


Susannah who?

by chivenor2002, Friday, March 14, 2008, 04:43 (6196 days ago) @ shepway

Hi Mike
Love the name Gwilliam,My mother was born Christine Gwilliam,Her family are from Clun in Shropshire.
My G Grandmother was Emily Symonds born 1848 in Pauntley Gloucester.Her parents on the birth cert are Susannah Athaway and Thomas Symonds.
Emily married twice ,The second time to my G Grandfather Richard Keyse in Aston Ingham in 1881.
Thank you for all your help, it was much appreciated.

Susannah who?

by chivenor2002, Friday, March 14, 2008, 07:22 (6196 days ago) @ ChrisW

Hi Chris
Susannah was an Athaway, as you can see from the replies I have already sent.I forgot to say that my G Grandmother Emily Symonds first marriage was to James Goode it took place in Newent March 1869.
Thank you for your help


Susannah who?

by shepway @, Sunday, March 16, 2008, 06:55 (6194 days ago) @ chivenor2002

The name of the bride was transcribed as follows:
GFHS Marriage Index - HATHAWAY
This website - HARTLAND
I therefore asked for the entry to be checked and this is the response of the transcriber:
"I looked at the entry 118 and this particular page is almost impossible to read but it definitely wasn't anything like Hartland or Hathaway or H anything. Anyway, after looking at the fiche with the light off and using a magnifying glass and despite the dozens of Hartlands there are in Dymock it still could be either but I have found a tail on the end of the name which leads me to think I was wrong and it is Hathaway on record 120."


Susannah who?

by chivenor2002, Tuesday, March 18, 2008, 11:52 (6192 days ago) @ shepway

Hi Mike
If there is no H at the begining of the Surname and a Y at the end it is probably Athaway.I have found the surname Keyse written as Heyes and David written as Bow in transcriptions,It cant be easy trying to decipher things written in longhand so long ago.
Thank you again .

Susannah who?

by Siggy708, Friday, May 30, 2008, 22:51 (6119 days ago) @ chivenor2002

Ref your 2 messages on Friday March 14 2008.

I am Brian Goode and have been researching the GOODE family for a number of years and came to a dead-end after 1871 (the year my G'father was born). I have copies of his Birth Cert. (1871) and his parents Marriage Cert. in 1869.

He was James John Thomas GOODE, the son of Emily Symonds (various spellings here for Emily and Symonds).

However, I cannot find any trace, with any certainty, of all three of them after the 1871 census until about 1894 when the son (James John Thomas GOODE) married my grandmother in Newport.

I have searched and searched for all three and the only possibility I have found is that there was a James Goode who died from drowning in the river Wye in 1872 whilst working on the building of a railway bridge. Unfortunately, the death cert. does not show any info. of wife etc. and my enquiries re. the subsequent coroners enquiry (in Hereford) is not available owing to the fact that records for this date were destroyed by fire.

The whereabouts of his widow Emily have been a mystery and as I have presumed she re-married I found it impossible to trace both her and son to date as I had no surname to follow.

I found your message by pure chance and the comment re. the re-marriage to Richard Keyse was like a gift from the Gods!

I will continue with this line of research but would be pleased to hear if you have any news of her or her son


Emily GOODE nee SYMONDS widow marries 1881

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Saturday, May 31, 2008, 00:48 (6119 days ago) @ Siggy708

Richard Keyse abt 1838 Newent, Gloucestershire, England Head Aston Ingham, Herefordshire
Emily Keyse abt 1850 Pauntley, Gloucestershire, England Wife Aston Ingham, Herefordshire
Joseph Keyse abt 1886 Aston Ingham, Herefordshire, England Son Aston Ingham, Herefordshire
Ruth Keyse abt 1883 Aston Ingham, Herefordshire, England Daughter Aston Ingham, Herefordshire
Edith Kathleen Querrell abt 1900 Gloucestershire, England Adopted Daughter Aston Ingham, Herefordshire

Richard Keyse abt 1839 Newent, Gloucestershire, England Head Aston Ingham, Herefordshire
Emily Keyse abt 1849 Pauntley, Gloucestershire, England Wife Aston Ingham, Herefordshire
Henry Goode Keyse abt 1876 Newent, Gloucestershire, England Son Aston Ingham, Herefordshire
Joseph Keyse abt 1887 Aston Ingham, Herefordshire, England Son Aston Ingham, Herefordshire
Ruth Keyse abt 1886 Aston Ingham, Herefordshire, England Daughter Aston Ingham, Herefordshire

Year: 1881
Month: Oct
Day: 17

Groom Surname: KEYSE
Groom Forenames: Richard
Groom Age at Marriage: Full age
Groom condition: Widower
Groom Rank or Profession: Labourer
Groom Residence: Aston Ingham
Groom Father's Surname: Keyse
Groom Father's Forenames: Thomas
Groom Father's Rank or Profession: Farmer

Bride Surname: GOODE
Bride Forenames: Emily
Bride Age at Marriage: Full age
Bride Condition: Widow
Bride Rank or Profession: [not stated]
Bride Residence: Aston Ingham
Bride Father's Surname: Symonds
Bride Father's Forenames: Thomas
Bride Father's Rank or Profession: Labourer
Licence or Banns: [not stated]
Date of banns:
Signature or Mark: He signs she marks
Witness 1: John Preedy
Witness 2: Fanny Wedley
Other witnesses:
Officiating Minister: Edward Sankey
Event type: Marriage
Transcriber's Notes:
Register Reference: AR90/7
Page No: 140
Parish_Chapel: Aston Ingham

Emily Goode abt 1850 Newent, Gloucestershire, England Head Aston Ingham, Herefordshire Widow

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Susannah who?

by chivenor2002, Saturday, May 31, 2008, 09:51 (6118 days ago) @ Siggy708

Emily and James seem to have had three children,James in 1871,Henry in 1876 and Lewis in 1879.Richard and Emily had Henry with them,Lewis is in the 1881 census with Thomas and Susannah.I have only just found out that James existed.
Email me and we can talk further.

Thomas SYMONDS Marriage 1828 Dymock

by Siggy708, Monday, June 02, 2008, 10:52 (6116 days ago) @ slowhands


I am researching the GOODE family from Newent and James Goode of Crow Hill who married Emily Symonds b.1848 Newent and from info. just obtained, subsequently re-married to Richard Keyse.

It would appear that 'MY' Emily Symonds was the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth SYmonds of Newent.
(see 1851 Census where Symonds of Golden Valley, Malswick, has been inadvertently transcribed as Lymonds).

James & Emily's marriage Cert. is as follows:-

When Married: 18th Feb 1869
Names: James Goode & Emily Symonds
Ages: James: 'Full age' Emily: 19
Condition" James: Batchelor. Emily: Spinster
Rank or Profession: James Labourer. Emily: ---
Residence: Both of Newent
Father's Name & Surname: James: John Goode. Emily: Thomas Symonds Both labourers.

Any comments please because Athaway or Hathaway doesn't come into my reckoning!


Thomas SYMONDS Marriage 1828 Dymock

by chivenor2002, Monday, June 02, 2008, 13:24 (6116 days ago) @ Siggy708

Hi Brian
Do you have Emilys birth cert? Mine has Emily born 13 November 1848.
in Newent, Father Thomas Symonds, Mother Susannah Athaway.Thomas was an Ag Lab.
Perhaps my info is wrong ,I do know my Emily married James Goode in 1869,And their son Henry was living with Richard and Emily in Aston Ingham.


by unknown, Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 23:46 (4659 days ago) @ slowhands

My husband Robert's 2nd greatgrandmother is Susan Hathaway married to Thomas Simmonds. Have you managed to receive any further information?

Thank you.

Jennifer Simmonds


by unknown, Saturday, June 02, 2012, 16:56 (4655 days ago) @ chivenor2002

My husband Robert's 2nd greatgrandmother is Susan Hathaway married to Thomas Simmonds. Have you managed to receive any further information?

Thank you.

Jennifer Simmonds

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