William Edwin GREEN / FREEMAN (related thread) (General)

by lynda_gilbey, Wednesday, March 19, 2008, 12:38 (6196 days ago) @ slowhands

Thanks slow hands for all your info but reaserch has led me to belieVe that this william edwin green is not my william edwin green freemans birth certificate. I have baptism records that state his birth date to be NOV 1886 also a news paper editorial states the sAmE. Unfortunately i still cant locate his birth details so i cannot confirm his parents...I cant even find Edwin Thomas Freemans marriage to a Ellen or Fannie prior or after williams birth..... i am at a total loss as to where to go next in proving my great grandfathers parents... Accordingly the babtism cert is only as true as the information that was given to the vicar and William obvious wanted people to beleive these people were his biological parents (even though i have documentation that states Edwin was not around at the time of conception)

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