Thomas Leonard Jones and Fanny Yates child (General)

by bertha, Wednesday, March 19, 2008, 22:31 (6191 days ago) @ slot

I couldn't post a reply to your question regarding the Baptism of Thomas Leonard Jones and Fanny Yates child as the thread has been locked, so I've posted it here.

The trancription of the Parish Records is ongoing, it may well be that those Records have not yet been transcribed. Also 'newer' Records are not always shown for privacy reasons.

When you click on to Parish Records, you can click on to 'Up to date list of transcribed Records' to see what has been transcribed so far.

Sometimes the transcribers will look for a Record for you, but as you have a 10 year 'window', don't really know the correct name, and don't know where the child was baptised this could prove a little difficult.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help this time.

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