. . . .Explosive - rats ! (General)

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, September 08, 2005, 07:22 (7125 days ago) @ Dennis Meek

.. and 10 points for observation !!

I have seen a photo or two of Miners again with "ties" around their legs just below the knee, and given Allen Trigg's Census entry as " Coal Miner", looks like this photo was taken at the Pit Head rather than a Foundry.

Rats were just one of the many unpleasant things to contend with underground.

So back to "Long Poles" ? the most likely use that springs to mind is for loading charges / explosives / packing into the charge / shot holes after they have been drilled - I think they are call Stemmers or Stemming Rods (?) or Tamping rods.


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