Bream in Newland (General)

by jcholak, Thursday, May 01, 2008, 19:55 (6147 days ago) @ slowhands

Slowhands is correct. As I transcribed the Bream baptisms, I came across memoranda in the records that noted the registers were taken to Newland on at least four separate occasions, as follows:

Dec. 26, 1813 "Taken to Newland"
Nov. 6, 1825 "1822 the Church was slated for repairs, and not reopened
late 1825 - during which period the Registers will probably be
found at Parkend and Newland"
Oct. 28, 1818 "The registers taken to Newland"
Dec. 27, 1829 "Taken to Newland"

I don't know if this was a common practice for the chapelries, or if it was an attempt to preserve the registers while the chapel underwent renovation. Perhaps Slowhands has the answer as to why this occurred.

As suggested in the 1825 memorandum, in addition, you may want to view the Parkend baptisms for your family roots.

I would like to know if the Newland Church, upon receipt of the Bream registers, would then incorporate the Bream information into their own registers? Slowhands?


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