Wilkins in Frocester (General)

by ChrisW @, Saturday, May 03, 2008, 16:02 (6145 days ago) @ JennyRaw

Hi Jenny

Courtesy of GenCircles - Frocester Marriages 1559 - 1703

I should stick to Sarah Wilkins - look how far back you can get!

1561. Tho. Alea et Joanna Taylor, sponsati, 25 Septe'bris.
Ricardus Dane et Rosa Mayle, spon., 31 Januarij.
Tho. Hancock et Editha Wilkins, spon., 12 Septe'b.
Ricardus millard et margareta Freeman, desponsati, 20 Octobris. 1562.
Tho. Rufford generosus et Anna Huntley, fil Geo. Huntley Armigeri, spo'., 24 Maij.
Jo. Bridges et Rosa Taylor, spon., 1 Augusti.
Tho. Griffith et Agnethes Simons, despo', 20 Nove'bris.
Jacobus West et Alicia Wilkins, despo', 8 Februarij.
Per me Tho. Tulliu', vicariu' de frocetor.
Jo. Web et Joanno wilkins, gardianis.

and lots more (up to 1799)

Nov. 15, Nathaniel Wilkins and Mary Pardo.

(Sorry Dave!)

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