Susannah who? (General)

by Siggy708, Friday, May 30, 2008, 22:51 (6119 days ago) @ chivenor2002

Ref your 2 messages on Friday March 14 2008.

I am Brian Goode and have been researching the GOODE family for a number of years and came to a dead-end after 1871 (the year my G'father was born). I have copies of his Birth Cert. (1871) and his parents Marriage Cert. in 1869.

He was James John Thomas GOODE, the son of Emily Symonds (various spellings here for Emily and Symonds).

However, I cannot find any trace, with any certainty, of all three of them after the 1871 census until about 1894 when the son (James John Thomas GOODE) married my grandmother in Newport.

I have searched and searched for all three and the only possibility I have found is that there was a James Goode who died from drowning in the river Wye in 1872 whilst working on the building of a railway bridge. Unfortunately, the death cert. does not show any info. of wife etc. and my enquiries re. the subsequent coroners enquiry (in Hereford) is not available owing to the fact that records for this date were destroyed by fire.

The whereabouts of his widow Emily have been a mystery and as I have presumed she re-married I found it impossible to trace both her and son to date as I had no surname to follow.

I found your message by pure chance and the comment re. the re-marriage to Richard Keyse was like a gift from the Gods!

I will continue with this line of research but would be pleased to hear if you have any news of her or her son


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