20 Wills and Letters of Admnistration (Documents Articles)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, June 08, 2008, 04:20 (6047 days ago) @ admin

Glenn Robertson has sent us another 20 Wills and Letters of Admnistration together with an index of all the people mentioned in these documents.

Wills & Adoms

Index of G Robertsons Transcribed Wills
Adeane - Will of William Adeane 1544
Berrowe - Will of Edmund Berrowe
Browne - Will of William Brown 1553
Evans - Admin of John Evans 1778.doc
Evans - Will of Cornelius Evans 1781
Hopkins - Will of James Hopkins 1578
Hyman - Will of John Hyman 1545
Kedycke - Will of William Kedycke 1574
Lawrence - Will of Johan Lawrence 1544
Morgan - Will of Thomas Morgan
Phillips - Will of Richard Phillips 1734
Ravenhill - Will of William Ravenhill 1733
Sargant - Will of William Sargant.doc
Shere - Will of John Shere 1559
Sternall - Will of John Sternall 1558
Sutton - Will of William Sutton 1544
Tergewe - Will of William Tergewe 1558
Warren - Will of Christopher Warren 1545
Whyte - Will of Joane Whyte 1547
Yemans - Will of Lewis Yemans 1558

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