Additions to FAQ (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Thursday, September 22, 2005, 12:37 (7111 days ago) @ admin

I'm having trouble logging in!

The most likely reasons for this is that you entered an incorrect username or password.

• Check the email you were sent when you first registered.

• Make sure you are entering your password correctly. They are case-sensitive.

• Ensure that your browser supports cookies; if so, check the security level you are using. High levels of security restriction in certain browsers will automatically reject cookies. In order to use the key features of these forums, you'll need to accept cookies.

• If you continue to have problems, go to the login page. Enter your Username and E-mail address and click the 'Forgot your password' button. A temporary password will be generated and e-mailed to you.


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