BRISCOE william 1825 Ireland (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Thursday, September 29, 2005, 17:52 (7103 days ago) @ Jim Ashton

Hi all
I initiated this thread and to start as way of explanation my mother is Nancy daughter of Owen Robinson Briscoe and Bernice Lily Marfell. I have had alot of help from alot of people.
As far as I can work out William Briscoe b1795 and Johanna Aylward came from Ireland and settled in Lattimer Lodge as Keeper for the Forest of Dean.
His son Williambecame keeper at Sallow Vallets Lodge and married Sophia Mountjoy and had 7 children. Sophia died about 1860 and William married Mary Ann Thomas sister to Sophia. She had 2 daughters by her first Husband John Thomas. Elizabeth Sophia Mountjoy Thomas and Mirah. Elizabeth had 8 children. I have the birth certificate for Owen R and it has no father listed.Elizabeth SM died in 1892 and i assume the children were adopted by William Briscoe, as they appear in the 1901 census as Briscoe's.
By the way I think the Robinson connection was Mary and Sophia's
mother 's maiden name.
I have been to FOD to look for for Sallow Vallets lodge and I also came across the tombstone for Timothy Marfell,Selina Ann Raymond Reginald and Winfred Alice.
Jim if you want all the details please feel free to e-mail me
Now I need help.
I have the Marriage certificate for Mary Ann Thomas and John Thomas. It shows he was a widower. Was he John Trotter Thomas and was he married to Ann Teague as one of the witnesses on the Marriage certificate was M A Teague?

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