Parish Records St Briavels (General)

by kermie62 @, Thursday, August 14, 2008, 19:55 (6045 days ago) @ alison

I recently spent about 3 months of long lonely thursday nights going through the films of the church records for Mitcheldean looking for records regarding my ancestors Bayly, a task I have just discovered that I could have simply done on this site.

One thing I did notice that there was a significant period in that Churches records when people were getting married in particular from the Hundred of St. Briavels. Indeed it seemed the majoirty of the people using that church appeared to come from there which is suprising given the distance. I wonder if there was a period in which the local parish church was unavailable and thus the people were forced to go to Mitcheldean.

It might be worthwhile looking in parish records of this church for your missing ancestor

Good Hunting

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