Eliza Morse m Isaac Morse 1848 (General)

by jbwheat, Friday, September 12, 2008, 20:20 (6013 days ago) @ ChrisW

Hello Chris. I have an Isaac Morse born to Mary Morse (unmarried) baptised on the 1 January 1818 and married to an Eliza Morse. Isaac's mother was Mary bap 23 March 1795 Newland Glos dau of George Morse and Elizabeth Davies. I also have an Eliza Morse born to George Morse and Ann Morris. Eliza was bap 11 February 1810 Lydney and the Granddaughter of George Morse and Elizabeth Davies. It is possible that these two Eliza's were the same woman. Richard Morse states that his sister Eliza bap 1810 died in America but have not been able to find confirmation.


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