by GeoffreyJamesSelway, Monday, February 09, 2009, 12:25 (5860 days ago)


My name´s Geoffrey James Selway. I am the son of Enid Phipps, daughter of William George Phipps. Therefore I am the gr grandson of Thomas Enoch Phipps 1861 and gt. gt grandson of Charlotte Kear 1825 and George Phipps 1822. It would therefore be great to have information about the Kear family. (I know that Thomas Enoch married a Mary.... but don´t know her family name)

Also, does anyone have info on the parents of Thomas Phipps, 1794 who married Maria Birt. Thomas was the father of George Phipps, husband of Charlotte Kear.

I have also been searching for info concerning my grandmother Elizabeth Ellen Lee´s family (born 1877 and wife of William George Phipps)I have her line going back to James Lee(Lea)b.1806 and his wife Susannah James.

Other families connected are the Wintes, Hooks, and Morse family. Info on these families would also be great.

By the way... does anyone know the background to Rennie Phipps, husband of Freda (Morse) Phipps who wrote the facinating article about her early days in Stone Cottage, Yorkley ?. I cannot discover anything else about him other than he was Freda´s husband.

I have been researching my family trees for quite some time and would love to have any info which people can pass on .

Many thanks, Geoff Selway (Barcelona Spain)

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