Photo Gallery - New Additions, April 2009 (Photo Gallery)
Sent to us by Pamela Howard
Sydney and Alice THOMAS Family
My grand parents and part of their family, Gertrude being my mother
Just before they left Cinderford for Denniston on the West Coast
of the South Island New Zealand
New Additions, 19 April 2009
Photo and details supplied by Sylvia Morgan
Albert Edward Allaway - Lydbrook
Photo and details supplied by Heather Lemaire
Thomas and Helena Watkins 1871 - Bream
Thomas and Helena Watkins 1882 - Bream
Photo and details supplied by Pamela Howard
Cinderford White Rose Cricket Club 1920
Cinderford White Rose Rugby Club 1920
Scowles Farm Truck
Sent to us by Tom Bint
Scowles Farm Truck
Frank Haile's lorry from Scowles Farm, near Coleford in the 1930s or 1940s?
Can anyone identify the people involved?