Thomas Grindle 1850/William Grindle (General)

by tracylynne444, Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 16:06 (5437 days ago) @ Scott

Hi Scott
I know you posted this 3 years ago but I just did a search on William Grindle and this popped up. George Grindle was my great great grandfather and William my great great great grandfather. Ann Mason was my great great great grandmother. I have a letter written by her to her son, George toward the end of her life and the start of WW1. George was in the US, and she still in Wales. I've scanned it and posted it on Ancestry. I will be happy to email it to you so that you can see it. It is signed, Ann Mason. Our family has held on to it for almost 100 years. It's really amazing/sad. I hope that you are able to check this reply or hopefully a notification is made to your email. I also have a picture of George Grindle's grave.
Granddaughter of Phyllis Grindle(married name Cashon), great granddaughter of Harry Grindle, great great granddaughter of George Grindle, and great great great granddaugher of William Grindle and Ann Mason(Grindle).

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