Is Berry Hill in the Forest near Westbury? (General)
I have found a possible family member in the 1871 Flaxley census the birthplace of whom is given as Berry Hill.
The person with the name given on Ancestry's 1871 could be the same person as given with different spelling in Westbury via the FOD database.
My question is, "Is Berry Hill in the Forest near Westbury?"
Is Berry Hill in the Forest near Westbury?
Berry Hill, Flaxley and Westbury are all locations within the Forest of Dean. The distance from Flaxley to Berry Hill is about 10 miles. If you go to the Find a Location link in the top menu bar of this page and then select Parish map, you will find features for you to locate these locations and also the distances between them.
If you can share some details of your family member we maybe able to help you further. Please read the Posting Guidelines which will assisst you in what details to include in your post.
Is Berry Hill in the Forest near Westbury?
Thanks for the reply. I'd tried Parloc which does not give Berry Hill as a parish so I thought it was just a hill like May Hill.
Is Berry Hill in the Forest near Westbury?
There is a Berry Hill near Coleford.
Berry Hill north of Coleford
That is the one being debated here :-)
about 5 or 6 miles from Cinderford / flaxley
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Berry Hill north of Coleford
I should have looked at the heading more closely.