James Mutlow - Church Warden - May 10th 1743 (General)
The Subject script was inscribed on a memorial stone set into the inside wall of a Church Lych-gate in the Forest. Another Church Warden was also remembered on the same stone.
The location of this Lych-gate is unknown, but Ruerdean and Mitcheldean are possible sites.
Can anybody please identify the correct location.
James Mutlow - Church Warden - May 10th 1743
They also had a son James born 1714 and if you ever get to the Forest of Dean you will see a very large 10th May 1743 inscription on the lych gate of Ruardean Church by James Mutlow & Hendry Heane Church Wardens .....
From previous thread:
James Mutlow - Church Warden - May 10th 1743
Hi Forest Fred
The inscription is just inside the Lych Gate of St John The Baptist Church Ruardean.
I can send you a picture if you follow the link to my email using the letter icon.
Jim Ashton
James Mutlow - Church Warden - May 10th 1743
Thanks for your kind offer jimashton. I'd be delighted to see the Inscription picture.
Brgds Forestfred
James Mutlow - Church Warden - May 10th 1743
No Problem
But I need your email address. The best way is as I said, click on the envelope icon by my name and that enables you to send me an email via the web site. I will then have your email address to forward the picture.
Jim Ashton