Beata BRAIN born abt 1834 maybe Collafield (General)

by tentoes @, Sunday, August 15, 2010, 15:56 (5314 days ago) @ Jean Herbert

A little off track from the origional question of where Beta might have been in 1871 I know, but intriqued by the workhouse connection prompted me to visit to Gloucester Archives.

Beata's time in the workhouse is documented through out the Westbury Union statement of accounts for the years 1883 (half year to Michaelmus) to 1894 (half year to Lady Day) - found within the east Dean list of Indoor Paupers. So as you see it seems she reamined here for around 11 years,until her death.

The weekly cost of maintence per head in 1893 is noted as
including necessaries. s. d.
2 7 1/2
weekly cost of clothing 0 7 1/4

total cost 3 2 3/4

It is not clear why she entered the workhouse from these records, however it seems her father William may have been receiving outdoor relief from the parish for some of this time due to being infirm. (1888-1895)

ref 1888 Westbury Union statement of accounts through to 1895 (half year ending Michalmus)

It would apprear from these records that he was approx aged 78 when he died and was infirm, listed as living in either The Ruffet or Collamore.

Another small piece to the jigsaw!

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