Susannah MEEK 1779 Berkeley (General)

by Trudy Johnson @, Ontario, Canada, Sunday, January 16, 2011, 06:06 (5129 days ago) @ slowhands

I think this may be the right family:

Susannah 1779-1865
daughter of Cornelius 1766-1827 and Elisabeth Taylor 1765-1837
who were married 19 April 1790
all in Gloucestershire

her siblings were Barzillai, George, and John

this next bit I am not 100% sure of...

Cornelius, son of James b 1729 and Susannah b 1730 (last name is listed as both Tollisby and Follis)

James, son of Bazil b 1694 and Susannah Watkins b 1695

Bazil, son of Francis b 1655 and Margaret Lamb b 1659

I also have death dates and siblings.
I hope this helps!

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