New Additions Search Facility (General)
It used to be possible just to search the new additions but this time I have looked this facility seems not to be available. I do hope you will put it back into action as it saves wading through records which have already been searched.
New Additions Search Facility - discontinued
As we have almost completed the online Parish Records Project and as very few records are being added to the Web site database it has been decided to discontinue the New Additions database. Like everything I update or add to the Web site it takes time so I have to prioritise.
You can easily list the new records which have been added to the database by using the standard and advanced search facilities with a little imagination so you don't have to wade through records which you have already searched.
Here is an example of how to do so with Cinderford St John Marriages 1926-1940 which have recently been added.
In the Surname box enter the wild-card character % to list all, or enter a surname
In the Year box enter: 1936 and a Range of ±10 years
Select Parish: Cinderford St John
Select Event: Marriages