Wintle and Worgan Wills (Documents Articles)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Friday, April 15, 2011, 03:38 (5005 days ago) @ admin

Supplied by Janice Rose

Downloads - Wills Section

WINTLE - Will of Thomas Wintle of Blaisdon 1780.pdf
WINTLE - Will of Thomas Wintle of Blaisdon 1804.pdf
WINTLE - Will of Thomas Wintle the Elder of Blaisdon 1694.pdf
WORGAN - Will of Anne Worgan of Coleford 1672.pdf
WORGAN - Will of Christopher Worgan of Newland 1667.pdf
WORGAN - Will of Henry Worgan of St Briavels 1687.pdf
WORGAN - Will of William Worgan of Woollaston 1674.pdf

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