Rector at St Mary's Ross 1970 ? (General)
Hi I'm transcribing the marriage records for St.Mary's Ross on Wye and I was wondering if anyone knows who the rector was from May 1969 to March 1972 and his signature is unclear. Thanks. Liz Clarke
Rector at St Mary's Ross 1970 ?
Brian Ruddock ?
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Rector at St Mary's Ross 1970 ?
Hi The Rector at Ross was Rev John Thursfield, he came in the 1960's & was still there when I married in 1973. He lived just up the road from me in Church Street. Hope this helps.
Rev. Raymond John Thursfield
This might be of interest. I knew John Thursfield well in the 1960s when he was Dioscesan Youth Officer and Vicar of Tarrington. He was very good arranging things for young people and had connections with my church in Hereford. In fact, I used to do his typing from time to time. After Ross he moved to the Cheltenham area and, I believe, was the Police Chaplain, where my brother met up with him again. I think he also acted as relief priest in parishes around the area. His photo and details can be found on this website -
Rector at St Mary's Ross 1970 ?
Thanks for you help I can now finish the transcribing. Liz Clarke