Desmond BARKER (General)

by m p griffiths @, Wednesday, July 06, 2011, 15:26 (4989 days ago) @ unknown


1901 Census, Herefordshire, Lower Bullingham,
District Elizabeth House

School Orphange of the Sisters of Charity of Order of St Vincent

Desmond BARKER - age 12 - Pupil - born Scotland


Genforum on the net list the BARKER family from Fife, Kilcaldy, but list Desmond Charles as marrying a Connie from Durham - and say quite a few of the family emigrated to Toronto.

They do list the 1881 census for this family as

17 Hill Place, Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland


James - 40 - Pawnbroker, born Edinburgh
Mary - 36 - born Grangemouth
Bernard P - 17 - Engineer Appr at Work - born Kirkcaldy
James - 9 - born K
Jane - 9 - born K
Annie - 4 - born K
Edmond G - 2
Christina STEWART, unmarried 21 - General Domestic Servant, born Saline, Fife, Scotland


On Ancestry - 1891 Scotland, Census, Kirkcaldy - 15 Hill Place


Mary - 47
Bernard - 27
Jane - 19
Edmund - 11
Catherine - 8
Margaret - 7
Anah - 4
Desmonde - 2

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