Marfell Gravestones (General)

by jimashton @, Thursday, July 21, 2011, 12:43 (4975 days ago) @ cjk136

Ironically I was in the Forest Church and Ruardean Church graveyards yesterday accompanying a fourth cousin & family tree contact on a visit from Australia. I took 85 images but I suspect a lot are for graves I have already photographed. One image I took I will be posting on this site (if it was succesful) is a picture I took of the grave layout for Ruardean church shown to me by a very interesting and helpful official. It will be some time before I even look at the grave images as I am still ploughing through 1400 photos from a recent holiday.

Elizabeth Marfell nee Yemm was baptised 12 April 1835, it could be that she was born the previous year, however the age shown on burial records are not reliable. I have around 1000 certificates and a lot substantiate this.One American Death certificate even had incorrect parents. You have to remember that the information was provided by the informant and years of age depend on a correct calculation which should take into account the months of birth and death, bearing in mind some could not write, this calculation was often far beyond them.

Two of Elizabeth Marfell nee Yemm's siblings married Marfell's. Her parents were Amos Yemm 1796 & Elizabeth Baldwin 1797:

1841 Census East Dean
Amos Yemm 1796
Winifred 1801
William 1831
Thomas 1833
Abia 1835

1851 Census East Dean
YEMM Amos 55 Coal Miner East Dean
Winifred 53 East Dean
Abiah 19 East Dean
Elizabeth 16 East Dean
Enos 12 East Dean
James 9 Scholar East Dean

Benjamin and Enoch Marfell were twins, I don't have birth certificates for them as they were born in 1837,the year registration started, but I have marriage certificates for both and a death certificate for Benjamin. I have posted a picture of Benjamin Marfell & wife Elizabeth Mason on this web site.

I will be happy to email the certificates I have for Benjamin & Enoch to you, plus a short descendancy report from their parents Thomas Marfell & Elizabeth nee Herbert - one of my Great Great Great Grandparents. I will limit the number of generations as a full report would be 54 pages of A4 in Adobe.

In return, I would be interested in your descendancy from Enoch & Elizabeth.

Jim Ashton

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