Humphrey Fowler (family non-conformists) (General)

by m p griffiths @, Thursday, July 21, 2011, 17:26 (4977 days ago) @ rock73

If you look at the Gloucestershire Genealogical Database (they hold non-conformists data) - useful for other FOD births etc.

and search for Jasper FOWLER

you will find the they were non-conformists, and Jasper & Hannah's children's are listed including Humphrey 1822 & Samuel - also John Porter FOWLER - 1818 (hence John P FOWLER named later)

click on the surname - and each child's name comes up with parents etc.

This is the family on the 1841 Census at Painswick

FOWLER - Jasper - 41 - Police Man - all born in County
Hannah - 41
Mary - 20
Phillip - 18
William - 5
Jasper - 5

(Humphrey is on the 1841 census below - a Soldier at Brompton Barracks, Kent)


Just trying to sort this out - as the children are the wrong way round

1881 Monmouthshire - Mynyddsyslwyn
Prince House


Humphrey - 62, House Agent, born Glos. Ledbury (covered by the FOD) but think it reads Sodbury
Elizabeth - 45 - born Australia, Swan River (which I think is Perth, having visited there)
Annie - 17 - all born Mon. Tredegar
Frederick - 15
Lucy - 14
Rose - 12

1871 Census, Bedwelty, Tredegar

Police Station

Elizth FOWLER - age 37, born Cheltenham, married, born Cheltenham, Glos (Superintendents, Police wife)
Margaret FOWLER - daughter - 14 - born Pembroke
Jasper FOWLER - son - age 12, born Cheltenham ***
Annie FOWLER - 7 - born Tredegar
Frederick FOWLER - 5 - born Tredegar
Lucy FOWLER - 3 - born Tredegar
Rose FOWLER -2 - born Tredegar
Ann JENKINS (say dau - age 15, Domestic Servant, born Cardigan Town

If you look at Gloucestershire BDM

birth: Jasper FOWLER, 1858, Cheltenham, mother's maiden name RYAN

On the 1871 Census, Humphrey is not at home, but visiting relatives in Minchinhampton

Peaches Farm

Samuel FOWLER - Mar - 58 Farmer of 646 acres employing 25 labourers & 13 boys, born Glos, Cranmore (parents : William & Hannah -Cranmore/Horsley 1841 census)
Mary A FOWLER - wife - mar - 49 - born Chipping Sodbury **
Humpry FOWLER - brother-in-law - 48, Superintendent of Police, born Chipping Sodbury
William BLACKWELL - npehew, unmarried, age 20, Farmer's Son, born. Glos Hazlecote
Frederick FOWLER, nephew, age 5 - born Monmouthshire, Tregare

** Samuel FOWLER, married Mary Ann LOVESEY, Gloucestr J/F/M Qtr 1869 - she is with Jasper FOWLER - 1851 census - who was a Salt Mfg - 1830's Pigots Directory of Northleach (from Chipping Sodbury) - who is on the web at the Court House at Gloucester 16 June 1825 - Insolvent Debtors

1861 Wales Census
Christchurch, Monmouthshire

Hereford Place


Humphrey - 37, Inspector of the County Police - now saying born Chipping Sodbury, Glos
Elizabeth - 29 - born Chatham, Hants
John P - 12, born Scotland ***
Amelia - 10, born Scotland
Margaret - 4 - born Pembroke
Jasper - 2 - born Cheltenham
Selina A - one month


at the moment on the 1851 census for Scotland (Ancestry haven't been allowed to provide the whole census)

I can see a John P FOWLER, age 2 in Berwick, Glasgow St John, Infantry Barracks+ also in this Infantry Block

Jasper FOWLER, (Private) age 14, born Sodbury, Chipping, William FOWLER, Private Infantry Block, age 19, born Chipping Sodbury and Amelia FOWLER - 7 months.

Jasper FOWLER is on the 1881 Census at Gloucester - Asst Steward County Asylum (age 43 born Chipping Sodbury)


On later census, Elizabeth RYAN says she was born in New Windsor, Berkshire c1832

1841 Census, Berkshire, New Windsor, District Infantry Barracks, New Windsor (1st Battalion the 60th?)

listed under Soldiers Children:

Mary RYAN, 16 - not born in County - says born Ireland
Eliza RYAN - 9 - not born in County
Ellen RYAN 3 years and 4 months - not born in County
William RYAN - 0 or 6


so it's a military/Scottish background to your family, hence problems with marriages etc.


1841 Census, Kent, Gillingham (hundred of Chatham & Gillingham)
District Brompton Barracks

Humphrey FOWLER - 15 - Soldier - not born in County


On the 1901 census, Humphrey FOWLER is in Lancs, Stretford, Pensioner (Police Force) living next door to a John SIMPSON occupation Letterpress printer.

Probate on Ancestry

Humphrey FOWLER of 28 Worthington Street, Old Trafford, Stretford, died 18 January 1903. Probate Manchester 16 February to John SIMPSON, Letterpress printer. Effects £19.

I'll send you the Joseph & Lydia info (off line - as they are Frampton Cotterell and Aberchan, Monmouthshire) - and never had any connection with the Forest of Dean area (unlike Humphrey and his family, albeit briefly in 1861)

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