"The Barracks" near Parkend (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Sunday, September 18, 2011, 19:37 (4882 days ago) @ winky

I've just "discovered" a great website selling old photos from the collection of Neil Parkhouse from Lydney, of Black Dwarf Publishing fame. This site is really worth studying with some excellent images of Parkend area.


As the link shows there is an image of the Barracks c1908.
To my surprise there appear to be at least 3 blocks of terraces cottages in a quadrangle layout, with each building being having 3 stories. They certainly look like large Army Barracks blocks here, not at all the single smaller row that I recall !.

Are they still like this ?.

I really must get along there on my next trip out West!.

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