Pluckpenny & Harrow Hill Green (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, September 23, 2011, 20:23 (4912 days ago) @ Mac McAllister

Hi Mac,
this is perhaps the Reference that Slowhands used in his earlier post wrt position of Pluckpenny Mine.
ie 1896 List of Mines, states Pluckpenny(Rockey) to be at Moseley Green.

This map which no doubt you've seen confirms this.

Here's a history of the mine.

Googling also found this mine history which refers to a "Pluckpenny Level" which appears to be a different mine altogether, presumably the one previously indicated as in Drybrook area, so not the one you're searching ??
Also on this site the history of Newham Bottom states "surrounding gales viz; Pluckpenny, Speedwell, Ruardean Hill, etc"

This superb website contains a list of mine locations. It states
"Pluckpenny Colliery (Coal)................. Not Known Yet"
"Pluckpenny Level........................... SO 6433 1666."
(the same grid ref you've quoted, Harrow Hill/Drybrook, probably from same reference. It's certainly correct according to my map).

Please however note that your comment re grid references is, strictly speaking, incorrect. The 6433 1666 ref may appear numerically "similar" but it is NOT the same reference or place as your "SO 643104". 64331666 is correct for the Pluckpenny LEVEL mine, near Harrow Hill, but incorrect for "your" "Rocky" mine, which seems to me to be incorrect as your described location suggests Staple Edge mine (see above map) and not either of the two Pluckpennys.

The National Archives site refers to archives held by Gloucestershire Archives for "Pluckpenny Rocky Colliery" and "New Pluckpenny Rocky 3 Iron Mine".

So there are clearly more than one "Pluckpenny" mine, good luck finding yours !!

I doubt this is new info to you but posted in the off chance it's of interest.

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