Bran Green / Brand Green - Newent (General)
Bran Green in the Pauntley / Newent Area ? sometimes written as Brand Green ( this seems to be the current spelling).
a current address /example:-
Brand Green, Redmarley, Gloucester GL19 3JD
{or Brains Green in the Blakeney Hill area ?}
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Complete thread:
- Bran Green - what is the correct spelling -
2011-10-04, 10:35
- Bran Green / Brand Green - Newent -
2011-10-04, 10:46
- Bran Green / Brand Green - Newent - Jefff, 2011-10-04, 18:44
- Bran Green / Brand Green - Newent -
2011-10-04, 10:46