MORGAN Family West Dean ( in 1911) (General)

by bethanmgriffith @, Wednesday, October 05, 2011, 20:30 (4901 days ago) @ slowhands

Thank you everyone for your help.

It does seem as if you've found my family members although some things are unclear and I don't suppose I could find out on the internet but here goes just in case someone may be able to shed some light.

Is it possible that George Morgan (head of the family) re married? I have never heard of a Victor and a Blodwen being mentioned.

I know that some of my relatives were born in the Forest of Dean and that my family regularly moved from the Forest of Dean to Pontypridd and back a few times. Although I'm not sure why.

Another long shot, but can anyone find a birth index/certificate for George Morgan abt 1824 West Dean, as I have tried but failed.

Thank you all so much for your previous help!


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