Arthur & Ann Pitcher/Pitchard in Newland Parish Register (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 17:04 (4900 days ago) @ annieb22

After a quick look using the Advanced Search facility I see most if not all the transcribed PRs are similar to the following,

Record ID 322342
Entry Number
Year 1691
Month Sep
Day 15
Parents Surname PITCHARD
Child Forenames James
Fathers Forenames Arthur
Mothers Forenames Ann
Mothers Surname
Residence Scatterford
Officiating Minister
Event Baptism
Notes Compiled from Latin PRs and BTs
Register Reference P227 IN 1/2
Page Number 76
Parish Chapel Newland

By similar I mean same Residences, same LATIN notes etc.
Given the great age I think it very reasonable to assume this is a transcription error as you say, particularly if from Latin ?, although of course it may equally and perhaps more probably have been a spelling error/misunderstanding by the Officiating Minister at the time. It's unfortunate no minister's name is recorded to compare the various PRs against each other - if say the same minister against the Pitchers PRs but a different, perhaps locum minister against Pitchard, then it makes more sense.

Re the age of this particular Register, I'm sure I recall seeing photos on this website of the Register but cannot find them today. However reading this thread may help you to understand the problems associated with this ancient register.

Have now found the aforementioned photo, it's within the Miscellaneous Documents section of the Documents & Articles part of this website. As I've said to other newcomers to the site, this fantastic resource (thanks yet again !!) contains SO much more than "just" the huge PRs database; certainly I recommend anyone to look thro the Docs & Articles section in great detail theres so much to be found !!

Hope this helps.

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