Land called Stony Stile - where is it? (General)

by annieb22 ⌂ @, Plymouth, Devon, Saturday, November 05, 2011, 01:43 (4871 days ago) @ Jefff

Yes, I've looked into yeomen before. Beefeaters are Yeomen.

I tend to think that my yeomen were the farming type. Daniel Bailey Pitcher was a farmer and his father, Benjamin Pitcher junior, was described as a yeoman when he lived at Uley. I've been to the farm where he lived a few years ago as it used to be a B&B. Margaret Worgan's family had land in Woolaston and were quite wealthy farmers.

I notice in Arthur's will that he leaves a colt and a heifer to various grandchildren and I think he also mentions ewes although difficult to read. He has a crop of wheat growing at Stony Stile so I think he probably was a farmer type of yeoman. I believe Arthur was probably born in around 1630ish - two of his daughters were born in 1654 and 1660 respectively. I'm wondering whether he fought in the English Civil War and whose side he was on. Perhaps he took up the bow then!

The name can sometimes be Pritchard and I see that this name is still quite common in the Forest in 1881 so perhaps my derivative is slightly less so.

My Birmingham ancestor, Charles N Hibbitt, was a house painter. This was from the 1860's onwards. I think agriculture was running into difficulties by then.

Nice talking to you Jeff - I really must get some sleep now.

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