James POWMPHRE - 1551 Will Newham (General)

by m p griffiths @, Monday, November 28, 2011, 15:21 (4796 days ago) @ unknown

Having a quick look for Wills on the Gloucestershire Genealogical Database, there is a James POWMPHRE Will for the year 1551 in Newnham. The Records office notes, say: PUMFREY in Calender. Will No. 1551/44.

FOD Records for a burial of James POMFREY in Newnham is 1558


(did have trouble calling this Will up on the GRO website; appeared sometimes and not others!)

GRO appear to hold 31 items regarding the Manor of Ruddle, (ncluding your Matthew PUMPHREY)- including 'An ancient map of the Manor of Ruddle'


Click on Local Studies Catalogue - then - quick search 'type in : RUDDLE MANOR


Also if you check the National Archives for Ruddle Manor (google A2A) there are a few 'hits' including

Gloucestershire Records Office appear to hold records dated 1753 on The Manor of Ruddle, Newnham.

British History on Line Newham - talks about Ruddle Manor


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