Thomas JONES second wife Emma Holmes (nee SUDGEN) (General)

by m p griffiths @, Sunday, December 04, 2011, 17:47 (4790 days ago) @ unknown

1881, Census, Keighley, Yorkshire
16 Hope Place

Priscilla SUGDEN - Widow - age 60 - born Yorkshire, Bingley
Mary J - - 19 - Alpaca Keeler
Sarah - 18 - Worsted Spinner
William H - 17 - Iron Borer
Emma HOLMES - 29 - daughter - Worsted Keeler, born Yorkshire, Bingley
William W HOLMES - Grandson - 3

1891 Census, Keighley, Yorkshire
7 Chandos Street


Joseph - 43 - Tool fitter mechanic, born Keighley
Emma - 38
William W - 13 - Worsted Doffer


Looking at the 1901 census, for Keighley, Yorkshire, East Edward
James Street


Joseph - 53
Emma - 49
Clifford - 9
Herman H - 1

and searching on the 1911

for an Emma JONES c1852 born Yorkshire with HOLMES in the family

we have


Clifford Stanley HOLMES - 1892 - age 19 - Yorkshire West Riding
Hermann Hodgson HOLMES - 1900- age 11
Sarah Ellen HOLMES - 1882 age 29
William Wallace HOLMES - 1878 age 33

the harder part is finding this family via Ancestry 1911 census (last one I checked - typical)

1911 Census, West Riding, Keighley, District 22
Image 260 of 613
No. of Schedule 129

William Wallace HOLMES
229 Top Westgate
(3 rooms)

William Wallace HOLMES, married 12 years, Moulders Labourer - Gas & Bil? Engine Manufacturer, all born Keighley, Yorkshire
Sarah Ellen HOLMES - 29
Emma JONES - age 59- married 37 years, 6 children born alive, 2 alive, 4 dead
Clifford Stanley HOLMES - 19 - Single, Hawker for Fruiter
Herman Hodgson HOLMES - 11 - born Silsden, Yorkshire


So in 1911, Emma JONES - HOLMES - nee SUDGEN was living with her son in Keighley, Yorkshire, whilst husband Thomas JONES was working away in Middlesborough

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