George PHIPPS Burial 24/01/1889 (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, December 30, 2011, 00:29 (4816 days ago) @ ChrisW

I've tried the FoD Inquests and there is a George Phipps from Pillowell, Collier who died at Fancy Colliery, witnessed by son William, but that was 1901.

The national database of pit disasters lists a George Phipps which at first glance I thought was in 1889, but actually 1859 altho was in the local(ish) area:

Mining Accidents - PHIPPS George
Name: PHIPPS George
Age: 0
Date: 12/10/1859
Year: 1859
Colliery: Pit at Varteg
County: Monmouth
Notes: Sinking operations.

So in conclusion, as tinternet & compooter never lies, it's clear

YES "she dun im in, gud n proper" !

PS perhaps someone could lookup the Collier's Roll cd for him, please, just in case ?.

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