Horne/Drinkwater (General)

by m p griffiths @, Saturday, December 31, 2011, 16:10 (4763 days ago) @ amaska

Up to the Marriage Act of 1929, boys could marry at 12, girls at 14 years of age, (this age limited was fixed in 1753, before that there was no legal age of marriage) so he could have been in his 80's when he died.

I have recently downloaded the Will of a John HEWER of Meyseyhampton in Glos. from the National Archives - the Will is dated in January 1838, and John was buried 15 February 1838 in Meyseyhampton. The Will was proved in London 13 March 1839 - ten months later. He did own a lot of property, and he left instructions for 'things' to be done in the coming months with his property.

Looking at Probate Records, sometimes they seem to take years to sort out, and many birth/marriage/death records were lost - some chewed up by the 'Church Mouse'

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