Edward WORGAN (General)

by m p griffiths @, Monday, January 16, 2012, 17:37 (4747 days ago) @ dave051366


Gloucestershire BMD


WORGAN/mother's maiden name DAVIS

Betsey, - 1849 - FOD, Monmouth, Coleford
Harriet - 1839 - FOD, Westbury on Severn, Newnham
Henry - 1852 - FOD, ditto
Jane - 1841 - FOD, ditto
John - 1843 - FOD, ditto
Male - 1847 - FOD, ditto
William - 1845 - FOD, ditto

FOD records: Burial at Parkend - 2 October 1855

Betsy WORGAN, age 51, Pillowell (ties up with 1851 census)


Ellen TIPPINS visitor on the 1851 census with the WORGAN is living with Edward WORGAN Jnr. on the 1871 census West Dean next door to Thomas & Fanny WORGAN + family

Edward WORGAN, Head, Un, 35, Coalminer, born West Dean
Elen TIPPINS, Boarder, unm - 31, born West Dean - mother of the children
Elizabeth WORGAN TIPPINS, daughter, 11 - born Monmouth Union, bastard
Harriett WORGAN TIPPINS - 9 born Glos. West Dean
Henry WORGAN TIPPINS 6 - born West Dean

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