Joseph REYNOLDS/RANDLES/BISHOP - 1851 census (General)

by m p griffiths @, Friday, March 09, 2012, 12:50 (4693 days ago) @ unknown

Does the actual marriage certificate have William's as father?


FOD records

Marriage at Dymock - 29 September 1847

Thomas BISHOP - full Bachelor, of Ryton, father: Thomas BISHOP


Mary REYNOLDS - father John REYNOLDS

witnesses: Samuel JERVIS and Harriett TAYLOR

1851 Census, Dymock


Thomas - 50 - born Brockney, Worcestershire
Mary - 40
Thomas - 2
Joseph RANDALS - 11
Edwin RANDALS - 8
- on FOD records again Work House, Newent Parish, Edwin RANDLES, mother Mary


BISHOP - mother's maiden name REYNOLDS, Gloucester Redmarley

James - 1855
Maryann - 1852
Thomas - 1848

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