William N SAUNDERS - Marriages/Ann Tippett BEARD+ BEVAN (General)

by m p griffiths @, Sunday, May 06, 2012, 10:09 (4635 days ago) @ m p griffiths

There are two marriages of William Naylor SAUNDERS on Ancestry (actual copy entries)

Bermondsey St Mary Magdalene, Southwork - 6 August 1865

William Naylor SAUNDERS (Widower) - age 34 Carpenter - father John SAUNDERS


Ann TIPPETT BEARD - age 27 - Spinster, father: Thomas BEARD (Plaister) ***

witnesses: George EVANS and Maria SAUNDERS

(although on 1881 census, his wife? is called Alice I/J ?)


Gave the 3rd marriage info on CLDS previous reply - actual marriage on Ancestry - wintesses were George & Fanny BAILEY


1871 Census, Bermondsey, St Paul


Ann - 31 - Head, Carpenter's wife - born Gloucester
Sarah - 14 - born Gloucester
Jane - 11 - born Gloucester * Gloucesterbdm - Glos St John the Baptist - Emily Jane Newman BEARD - 1860 - * see1861 Census
William - 2 - born London
Charles - 7 months born London.

----- so William BEARD and Ann Tippett BEVAN - married - after they arrived in London


1861 Census, Gloucester St Michael


Thomas T - 50 Plasterer - born Gloucestr
Jane - 51 - born Brighton
John W - 20
Thomas T - 18
William - 16
Charles H - 14
George R - 9
Thirza J - 6
William COLEMAN (Grandson) - 3
Emily J BEARD - grand-daughter 11 - months
Ann WHITE - 12 - Nurse.


1861 Census, Cirencester

Ann BEARD single age 22 - Servant, born City of Gloucester


On the 1881 Census in Bermondsey with William I & Alice SAUNDERS - is Arthur J COLEMAN, age 24 nephew, born Gloucestershire

Gloucestershire bdm


birth: 1839 - Gloucester St John the Baptist

Ann Tippett BEARD - mother's maiden name BEVAN


1851 Census, Gloucester St Michael
72 Burton Street


Thomas - 40 - Plasterer- born Gloucester **
Jane 41 - born Brighton
Ann - 12
John - 10
Thomas - 8
William - 6
Charles - 4
George - 9 months


1841 Census, Gloucester St Michael
Burton Street


Thomas - 30 - Plasterer, born in County
Jane - 32 - not born in County
Sarah - 6 all born in County
Emily - 4
Ann - 2
John - 3 months


checking Glos. cd's - can't see the marriage of Thomas BEARD to Jane BEVAN - just one baptism for Emily BEARD at Glos St. Michael - 19 October 1836 -father Thomas (plasterer) and Jane


As John John Palmer SAUNDERS married a BEARD - is there a family connection???)

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