Mr E.A. Roberts, Charcoal burner (General)

by unknown, Tuesday, June 05, 2012, 22:09 (4654 days ago) @ Jo Wozencroft

Jo, I am the granddaughter of Idris Roberts (m Doreen Cooke), elder brother to Dorothy, first born of Edward Roberts' children. I think that makes us cousins - of god knows how many time removed/apart/distanced :) My mother was Idris' daughter and she is friends with, and meets regularly with, Janet (her aunt), the youngest of Edward Roberts' children. Janet was brought up by her sister Dorothy in place of her mother, Edward Roberts' wife, as she died when Janet was young. I would love to see the Roberts family photos you have to show them to my mum, as she and her brothers were fostered at an early age and might like to know something of their father's background/family from those who were close. Mum's birthday is the same day as her mother's, and it's coming up very soon, any photos or memories would be very much appreciated as something to add to the day. Shall I use facebook (I'm AcerWalk) to see the family photos? Thanks. Sarah

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