JAMES/CHEAP (? Typhus) (General)

by michael smith @, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, Wednesday, July 18, 2012, 20:04 (4561 days ago) @ m p griffiths

I have today discovered that the sisters did not have Typhus the younger one Clara died on 29th July 1864 at 6 Clarendon Place Leamington, cause of death was Endocarditis and other things aged 54. The older sister Louisa Grace died, rather strangely at the same address as Thomas JAMES in a lodging house on Church Hill, Old Milverton,a village which lies about 3 to 4 miles distant. Both sisters deaths were witnessed by Ellen SWIFT, perhaps she was a nurse, both sisters appeared to have suffered ill health for a number of years. Rather strangely their father is listed as John CHEAP of the Bengal Civil Service, I have found a George Charles CHEAP in Bengal, who was a judge but no metion so far as I can see of John CHEAP. Oh well the search goes on!!

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