Land Records and Coleford area Visit Questions (General)

by bonnie1man @, Thursday, August 09, 2012, 18:21 (4592 days ago)

Hi, We'll be traveling to the Coleford area in early/mid Sept and my husband's ancestors (Thomas Voyce 1845-1923 married to Sarah Burton (1853-1933) lived here along with his grandfather George Voyce until George moved to Seymour Iowa, USA. Is there anyway to look at land records to figure out whether Thomas Voyce's house is still standing that he lived in during 1891-1911 time range - census list him as living in/on Broadwell, Lane End.

I have information that says he was buried in Coleford Cemetery - and the memoranda on the transcript list (1) Broadwell Lane End (2) not stated (3) M 7 (4) Unconsecrated (5). Is any of this information helpful to finding a tombstone and if not, is there someway to easily search for the tombstone - i have no idea of how big the cemetery is? The record ID is 170905; 1923, Feb 11; Register Reference is DA25/204/30.

In addition my husband's other ancestor - George Thomas (1823-1888) lived on Hoarthorne Sump in West Dean. Again trying to find out where and if the house is still standing.

Also are there certain stops we should plan on making for doing some further ancestry research? For example through help on this forum, it became evident that Thomas Voyce was the illegitimate child of Marianne Voice and Henry Cooper with Marianne then marrying Benjamin Roberts who raised Thomas along with his natural born children. I'd like to figure out how Marianne knew Henry Cooper - ie did she work for him, was he a classmate etc to attempt to figure out the relationship that lead to the birth of Thomas Voyce in 1845.

Thanks for any advice you can provide is greatly appreciated. Bonnie

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