Is this Rock Cottage Joyford? (General)

by nigeldownunder @, Australia, Tuesday, November 06, 2012, 01:14 (4451 days ago)

I have a couple of legal documents dating to 1901 and 1903 which were passed on to me years ago by my mother, who thought they related to Rock Cottage, Joyford. The first is a mortgage document, and the second is a conveyance document, which shows that the mortgage of 1901 seems to have gone bad, and the property was sold by auction, but was purchased from the successful bidder by the 1901 mortgagee's son, Timothy Jones Vaughan.
I would like to confirm the actual property referred to in the documents as:

ALL THAT Messuage or Cottage and the Garden and piece of Orchard Land thereto adjoining and belonging containing altogether by admeasurement two roods and four perches or thereabouts situate in Worcester Walk in the Forest of Dean in the County of Gloucester at a place there called Joyford and numbered 238 in Worcester Walk aforesaid in one of the Plans annexed to or which accompanied the Second Report of the Dean Forest Commissioners and therein coloured partly red and partly blue and also delineated in the plan annexed to an Indenture dated the seventh day of March one thousand eight hundred and sixty four and made between Thomas Allcot otherwise called Thomas Hawker of the one part and John Vaughan of the other part Together with the Shop and other Buildings since added to the said Messuage or Cottage the whole now being in the occupation of Timothy Jones Vaughan and the said Charlotte Vaughan and bounded by property of John Cooper by the road leading from Joyford to English Bicknor and by Forest Lanes on all or the most parts and sides thereof

I have googled Worcester Walk Joyford, but the closest one I can find is in Broadwell, which is obviously not the one.

Can anyone help with identifying this property?

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