John Marfell 1676 (General)

by jimashton @, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 15:09 (4450 days ago) @ cmfenton

I am surprised that you are confused by 2 John Marfell's whatever the spelling, I have 57 John Marfell's in my Family Tree.

My Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather John Marfell 1685/1744 who married Joan Jones 1685/1730 on 7 Feb 1706 was the son of John Marfell 1659/1711 & Elizabeth Tailor. This John Marfell 1659 was the brother of William Marfell 1653/1708 the father of John Marfell 1676/1742, my 1st cousin 8 times removed. This John Marfell was the father of Mary Marfell, who married William Robins, the reason for this thread.

John Marfell 1685/1744 and Joan Jones 1685/1730 had 7 children, including 2 Williams who died around 1 year old.

Jim Ashton

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