Gloucester Lunatic Asylum - previous thread (General)

by SUE LAWTON @, Thursday, November 15, 2012, 06:03 (4441 days ago) @ m p griffiths

The asylum records are definitely available at Glos Records, as I have had access to the original notes, but this was 1902.In your case the 100 years rule probably applies.

However, you may be able to apply to Gloucestershire Health people(sorry don't know who exactly)through Freedom of Information,to access information.If they will do this , you would have to supply proof of connection to the person,through birth certificates etc. and would have to convince them that no-one would be "harmed" by the revelation of information.

I did this,to find out the circumstances of an aunt of mine,who was in a large high-profile mental institution in the 1950s (not in Gloucestershire). As all family of that generation are dead and the aunt in question had no children,-- I supplied certificates to prove that 1)I am my father's daughter 2)My father was his father's son 3)My aunt was my father's father's daughter 4)My aunt was married to her husband 5)My aunt was dead 6)My aunt's husband was dead.

A bit involved, but worth a go.

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