The Roman Roads/The Forest/Ruins (General)

by mrsbruso @, Friday, November 30, 2012, 00:49 (4474 days ago) @ janfran

It was a teenage ambition of mine to explore a number of historic sites my grandfather knew so well as a boy, like ruins and old roads through the Forest. I started out on that journey, but must admit that at one point, deep in the forest and lost in thought, if not time and space, I came around the sharp corner of a trail, startled and was started by some sheep, and ended up leaving the forest at least three times faster than I had entered it.

At that point, I decided that exploring the area around Tintern Abbey was a better course of action.

There's nothing like having family scattered from Somerset through South Wales, and a copy of the Mabinogian, to feed the imagination. (Later, the mists of Avalon was similarly entertaining, as I had memories of so many of the places mentioned.)

Teenaged me, to Isaac, while driving past ruins: "Please, can we stop so the kids and I can explore the castle?". Isaac, kindly, "Well, okay, but it's just a pile of rocks". Years later, rushing through a visit with far too much scheduled to ever be accomplished . . . Isaac: "Do you want to stop and visit the castle?" Me: "What castle, Isaac? It's just a pile of stones . . ."

That said, I wish my three littles ones had the opportunity now to explore the ruins while they still seem magical.

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