Walter Ernest COOKE 1900 - 1953 (General)

by banalban @, Monday, December 24, 2012, 18:44 (4455 days ago) @ unknown

Hello, if you are one of Rita's daughters, then I am your cousin in the US.
My grandfather, Charlie, was your granny Edith's brother. Not sure if stories about him were ever told to you, but I was told many stories of the family by him, where you lived, etc. I am very sorry about your mother and believe I heard your father had passed some time ago. Glad to hear, though, that you made plans to visit the Forest. I've been to visit family in the area a few times and was there last in 2010 to visit your gran's other siblings, Len and Hilda's, children/grandchildren. My mother, Gloria, and your mother wrote letters to one another during WWII. I would dearly love to correspond with you and hope you would like to as well. I have done a good deal of research on the Coxes and their related families and would be happy to give you the information if you are keen on it. Hope you have a great holiday and hope to hear from you very soon.
Take care
Nan Walsh

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