Patron Saint - "Saint Briavel" (General)

by peteressex @, Wednesday, April 24, 2013, 07:56 (4335 days ago) @ Jefff

Not being much of a saint myself, I may need correction, but I understand St George was Greek and St Patrick was Welsh and the main reason for their saint's days is to prop up the pubs.

So I'm wondering whether it's time we had a Forest saint complete with a day off and extended opening hours, and I'm particularly wondering about St Briavels. Wikipedia says the name may be identical with Brioc, a much-travelled missionary who also rolls up in Cornwall and Brittany, much as St George is also a patron saint of 14 other countries as far apart as Egypt and Lithuania, so the fact that a saint puts himself about needn't stop us.

Anyone want to put up another saint for Forest patron?

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