Edith GEE (Stained Glass Window, Hope Mansel (General)

by m p griffiths @, Thursday, May 02, 2013, 14:20 (4272 days ago) @ HarryBrook

'However, there is a memorial stained glass window dedicated to Nurse Edith - 12 May 1936'

Think this is Edith GEE

FoD records

Baptism at Mitcheldean - 3 July 1864

Edith GEE

father: Thomas (Gentleman)

mother: Agnes

residence: Hope Mansell

Burial at Hope Mansel - 18 May 1936

Edith GEE

residence: 158 Queen Alexandria Mansions Street, Pancras, London age 72


England & Wales, National probate Calendar

GEE Edith of 158 Queen Alexandra Mansions St. Pancras, Middlesex, Spinster - died 12 May 1936
Probate YORK 26 June to Henry CAYLEY architect and Charles Irwin COCKIN, Solicitor.

Effects £8,845 15s. 9d.


1911 Census, 24 South Morrison Buildings, Commercial Road, London S

Edith GEE - age 46 - Single, Parish Nurse, Parish Church Worker - born Hope Mansel, Herefordshire


Not sure about the 1901 census. There is an Edith GEE - age 36 - born Horsley, Northumberland - listed working as a Nurse in Cambridgeshire at the Addenbrooke's Hospital. Above her is listed, Constance Mary ROWE - age 26, born Mitcheldean, Glos (where Edith was christened) - is this a mix-up??


1891 Census, Herefordshire, Hope Mansel



Thomas - 79 - Living on own means, born London St Martins (buried at HM - 8 June 1905 aged 93) ****
Agnes - 66 - born Surrey, Godalming
Edith - 26 - born Herefordshire, Hope Mansel
Mary A - 24 - ditto

1881 Census, Herefordshire, Hope Mansel



Thomas - 69 - Annuitant, born Middx. London
Agnes - 57 - born Surrey, Godalming
Dora - 27 - all born Hope Mansel
Constancy - 25
Claud V - 19 - Scholar at Oxford : on 1901 Census in Durham Hylton with family, Clergyman - Church of Clergy England
Edith - 16
Mary A - 14



Probate Ancestry

GEE Thomas of "Beechwood" Hope Mansel Herefordshire, died 4 June 1905. Probate, LONDON 5 July to Frederick Arthur Scott, Solicitor, Hermann Anderson Haines, Gentleman and Constance Alma GEE spinster. Effects £26,101 19s 5d.
Resworn £27,909 9d. 5d.

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