Ashbourne Flour Mill ; WEBSTER in Ontario (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Wednesday, May 08, 2013, 01:29 (4267 days ago) @ slowhands

Thanks S for that very interesting post & links, very enjoyable indeed.
BIG! thanks for not producing a Glostershire place called Ashbourne, been worrying me all day that one as I don't know the North Glos area too well but do know of at least one house near Stroud named that as it's very near my cousin's "mansion" !. Last night I did find a link to the Webster Falls but was too engrossed admiring the photos (I enjoyed studying physical geography of that area in depth at school long ago) to also see the history. Yes I agree the Flour Mill looks the key to it all, thanks for clarifying, sorry for misinterpreting your post re "Asbourne Glos". Nice to see that Joseph(Army) was indeed "our" Joseph's father, also to see that Maria Green came from Greensville !, presumably another wellheeled family ?

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